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Parafield Gardens

Upcoming events 5. See all. Bible Study And Chat. Movie Superintelligence. Please be aware that we will continue to take daily temperatures and will follow strict hygiene practices. If your child is unwell, please keep them home and get them tested. We will also continue to restrict visitors from entry to our site. We are aware that a number of our families will remain in 14 day quarantine and will not be attending our site until this is completed, and so, we will be providing some learning opportunities by opening our Flexible Online Learning platform on Tuesday 24 th — Friday 27 th November.

Your children will be very familiar with this website from our lockdown in April but also some classes have continued to use websites within their year levels for a range of learning opportunities at times throughout the year. Due to our close proximity to the Parafield cluster, we ask that you ensure that you are aware of all of the requirements in regards to your visits to any sites of concern by checking the SA Health website.

As we draw closer to the end of the year, we are hopeful that we will continue to remain open and healthy. Good afternoon, as you would be aware, the Premier has announced a significant lockdown in order to restrict the transmission of COVID The Department for Education has indicated that the following will apply for the government school sector:.

We will follow this same pattern in order to enable the greatest number of people to stay at home as possible. On Monday 23 rd or Tuesday 24 th November, if you have no other option because you are an essential workers and are rostered on to work , we will need you to respond to a survey outlining the requirements of your workplace. Complete survey here.

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Please read the list of what is remaining open as essential services as they are different from our previous lockdown. We are anticipating very few children will require care. Please consider staying at home in order to stamp out the spread of this virus as quickly as possible.

We will keep you up to date if there are further closures beyond Tuesday. Everyone else please stay home in order to stop the spread as early as possible. We will provide more information as we are able early next week. Thank you for your understanding, we really appreciate the way you are working together with all South Australians to ensure that our community remains safe.

These are within the northern suburbs and so we are keeping a close eye on how things are developing. We will monitor our response and have already asked some of our visitors, like music tutors, to stay offsite this week until we have further information. Please take notice of the SA Health contract tracing alerts and ensure that you follow the 14 day quarantine if you have been to the listed sites.

Our priority will be to keep students healthy and learning so we will keep you up to date if there are further restrictions required. Today we have reminded students to keep up their hygiene practices and have undertaken temperature checks to ensure that we keep our community healthy. Thank you for keeping your unwell children home and for getting yourselves tested if you have symptoms. It is great to be reporting that things are continuing to improve in South Australia, and that we are easing restrictions.

We have two more weeks of Term 2 and then two weeks of school holidays. In Term 3, we will restart a number of events and activities that we have been required to shut down. Social distancing will continue to apply and so we ask that parents refrain from entering the buildings on the campus.

All visitors to the school during school hours will be required to sign in and complete a visitor declaration form on entry. Social distancing measures continue for adults which means that we ask that you continue to drop off your children. We would also ask you to keep your pick up routines in the afternoons to help reduce the number of adults in and around the campus in the peak times.

Please be vigilant in and around the carparks and continue to be patient. We will start up our after school sporting teams next term and we will give you more information regarding other calendar events next term. We look forward to resuming some of our larger gatherings like Chapel, which will be wonderful to once again be able to gather groups of students together beyond their immediate year level.

At this stage we will not invite adults to join us for these gatherings to ensure that we can socially distance according to guidelines. I would encourage you to remind your children to keep up their good hygiene practices as these restrictions relax. It has been wonderful to have less overall sickness within the school as families keep sick children at home to recover and children are more careful about their washing hands.

Thank you for your support of the our school and the health and safety of our community and I look forward to announcing more events as the term continues. I hope that you enjoy some rest over the long weekend. Thank you for your continuing support as we work towards keeping everyone learning safely. Our community has been productive and teachers are currently preparing for our written school report that has been slightly modified to reflect the changes required during this time which included at school, at home and online learning.

You will receive this report via email at the end of this term. Please ensure that we have a correct email address and if you need to update your details, call our office on Next week we will have some more visitors at the school with Allied Health, Music Tutors and other specialists that help students in a range of ways able to return. This includes School Dental who will be here on the 16 th and 17 th June.

We are using a different group who will bring their own dental van which will be parked on-site for students who have an appointment to visit during the day. If your child is accessing this service, you would have already returned your permission forms. Another service that will return is our Uniform shop. Like many other things, we will increase this gradually by initially offering appointment times for parents who need to visit the shop.

These appointments will begin on Wednesday 24 th June and will be available each Wednesday and Friday between am. These appointments will be available to pre-book through the office after the long weekend. We look forward to the shop reopening once we are able to have more adults on site and in that space.

We have considered the risk and decided that school swimming lessons will not happen this year. We have already needed to cancel some year levels and decided that while there is still a level of uncertainty and we see winter swimming as a higher risk activity. Particularly while we are requiring all students who are unwell to stay home, we will avoid activities that may encourage coughs and sniffles.

16 Burstall Court, Parafield Gardens SA 5107

We will begin sports training after school next term. We will also look at starting other extra-curricular activities next term as we are able. At this stage, we are still requiring parents to remain off-site and so our morning and afternoon drop off zones will continue.

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  5. Please remain patient in these car park areas and consider our neighbours who often need to get in and out of their driveways in these peak times. Thank you for your support and the way that you are following the recommendations we are being given. I pray you will have a restful weekend and feel refreshed to enter the remainder of the school term. Thank you for your ongoing support as we work towards relaxing restrictions. Our desire to keep our community safe while focussing on student learning, continues to be at the centre of our decision making processes.

    We have the June long weekend coming up and this coincides with what the Federal Government are calling stage 2. We have a Pupil Free day on Friday 5 th June. In South Australia, restrictions are being relaxed allowing slightly larger groups of people to gather together, while still recommending that we keep social distancing and excellent hygiene practices.

    We are following this advice and will take a stepped approach in reinstating different school activities, including how visiting adults and parents interact with our site. Thank you for your support with safely dropping off and picking up your children at the two drop off zones.

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    We will continue to provide extra teachers in the mornings and afternoons to support these transitions. We are finding the settled starts to the day are continuing as students take responsibility for their own organisation.

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    This drop off arrangement will continue for the time being. We have also continued to take temperatures to ensure that any students who are unwell are sent home to recover. The Flexible Online Learning platform will be switched off after this week as we have had full classes for this week with all students returning to school. We are determining the best ways to keep important lessons that have been learned particularly to do with students building their capabilities for greater independence.

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    It is difficult to believe that it was only two months ago that we began to set up our Flexible Online Learning platform. It has provided many benefits which we are now seeing even as we have resumed full face to face learning. Now that all students are back to school for face to face learning and our Bethany App is up and running with the majority of families using it, we will be moving our daily absentees to the App.

    As of Week 5, Monday 25 th May, this will replace text messages for student absentees. If your child is not marked present at school by 11am you will be sent a notification to the app letting you know of their absence. A notification at the end of the day will remind you to give a reason for any unexplained absences.

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    If you know in advance that your child will be absent then you can put a future absence into the app via the 'Report an Absence' button, please make sure that you specify the date range if your child will be absent for a period longer than one day. Please make sure that at least one parent has the Bethany App installed with notifications turned on to access these services. Any absences over 15 days require a particular form to be filled out and returned to the school. These forms are available from the front office. It is a Government requirement for the school to give account for all student absentees.

    Attached is a PDF with further instructions for daily absentees and how to report an absence.